Display Choices? LCD, LED, VFD. What do I choose?

Scales like the Avery Berkel FX50 have features such as programmable auto power-off and back-light display mode which are ideal when using the internal rechargeable battery. But what if I don’t need a battery. What display choices are available?

Currently, the majority of price computing scales in the marketplace feature an LCD (liquid crystal display). This is also a user friendly display for battery life. Many of these LCD scales feature a backlight which can be turned on/off. The backlight will consume much more battery life when used.  The CAS S2000 JR features an LCD display and rechargeable battery.

The other major choice available for price computing displays is VFD. These are the displays that are very dark with green digits. These are almost always AC powered only. They are very easy to read and require no back light.  The CAS S-2000 JR also comes in VFD display with AC power only.

There are also a few LED price computing scales on the market currently.

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